Friday, April 30, 2010

Pirate - The Collection

Finger Puppet
Russ gave me this guy, love it!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Zombie - The Colelction

Finger Puppet
It glows in the dark!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pepe!!! - The Collection

Pepe the King Prawn
(He is not a shrimp, okay?)
Push Puppet

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

National Day Of Puppetry

April 24, 2010 was the National Day Of Puppetry
In honor, here are some pictures of the puppet wigglers of
The Elmwood Puppets


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monkey with a Beer - The Collection

Spank # 1!
This little guy was a Christmas gift back in 2004 from my friend Anna

Thursday, April 15, 2010

News Flash!

Updates from the Puppet World

The Nation Puppetry Festival from Puppeteers of America has announced he dates for the next festival, July 12-17 2011 in Atlanta, GA (Hope to see ya there!)

The Muppets have offically announced their next theatrical film will be called "The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made" and it's written by Jason Segel and Nicholas Stroller (they wrote "Forgetting Sarah Marshall") and it will aslo star Jason Segal in the human lead. James Bobin of "Flight of the Conchords" will be directing. This should be awesome. I'm really jazzed up for this. A ton of talented and funny cats working with a ton of talented and funny puppets! Also look for The Muppet Show Season Four to hit DVD this fall. And The Muppets are up for another Webby Award this year for their video for "Bohemian Rhapshody", vote for it here!

The Jim Henson Company has a new live show running in NY - "Unstuffed and Unstrung". I hope to check it out soon, looks like a variation on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" There's a great short video on the site that kinda explains the show. Henson has also been releasing a ton of DVDs of older work that's been hard to come by. Most exciting is the telefilm "Dog City", do yourself a favor and pick this up on.

Elmwood Productions (shameless self promotion) is currently re-designing the website thanks to the talented Kendra, check out her stuff here she's awesome. We're also shooting more "Animal Behavior" this month and "Steve the Vampire" will be back this summer in all new shorts! And our feature film; "Josh and Todd" is nearing the end of editing!!!

The National Day Of Puppetry is April 24, 2010... Check your local paper or Puppetry Guild for puppety events in your area!!!

Puppetfest Midwest is July 6-11 this year, and from what I've heard every year it goes great. Maybe I'll make it next year...

The TV show America's Got Talent is looking for a shadow puppeteer for season five according to this posting (look for Aptil 13/10) on Puppeteers of America. Good luck!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

E.T. - The Collection

this is a rubber hand puppet that I got for my mom...

He was made as a give away when E.T. was released on VHS during the 1990's. Around that same time my mother fell very ill with both lung cancer and emphysema (don't smoke kids!) and ended up in a coma for a few weeks. Upon coming out she was intubated and couldn't speak. She had a heart monitor taped on her finger, and it would light up off and on. One day she was in and out of it and she kept holding her finger up and trying to say something. But she couldn't talk... Finally I got her a pen and paper and she scribbled "ET ouch" on it and then held up her finger again. My father and I started laughing, my mom smiled, it was cool. A day or so later I was in a video store and saw this E.T. there, and the only way to get him was to buy the video. So I did. I went to the hospital and my mom was asleep, so I put him on the table next to her before I took off. I have no idea when she woke up or went through her mind, but she loved him, and every time she went into the hospital he went with her. The night she died someone who was at my house took E.T. and put him in our front window, looking up with his finger stretched out. I thought that was really cool.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Monsters! - The Collection

Everyone had these as a kid! And everyone still loves them!