How many puppets does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

I started this morning with  Ziggy Stardust on my turntable, and coffee in hand.  Did some emails for the bidniz of Elmwood, and am now here on my blog...  And I have Sinatra serenading me on the turntable now...
Just wanted to take a five, hit up the blog and say to the world:

It's good to be alive.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Is sooo close to done!

Elmwood's been working hard on "Animal Behavior"...  Editing, dubbing, music, and even some re-shoots.

I'm excited for this show...
Just wanted to share some pictures of us from the recent re-shoots and dubbing!

Sunday, May 26, 2013


So I'm trying to get back to posting everyday...  So you're gonna get all the Elmwood videos, all the vids from my YouTube page, and gonna keep doing Trailer Park, and more..  So here we go..  with one we've seen before, Elmwood's video for the song "Jade"

Friday, May 24, 2013

Words to live by...

"You must embrace life.  You must be lustful.  You must embrace all these things characters are.  
You must have a drink and gorge yourself and stay up late and live life to the fullest, because you can't be a great puppeteer unless you really enjoy life." 
- Salvatore Gato, Master Puppeteer.
from the book "Puppet: An Essay on Uncanny Life" by Kenneth Gross

Here is a crew...  The Elmwood Crew...  We really enjoy life.

Puppets In Progress...

Making puppets.. . Feeling good..
P.I.P. ...  Now means Puppets In Progress

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A good day

It's a warm, rainy afternoon.  Listening to Nick Drake, and the cats are mellow...

The past three weeks have been something to remember.
Life is good.
I have amazing friends, amazing family, and an amazing girlfriend.
I have the puppets, and arts, and joy...
What more do I need...

Monday, May 20, 2013

This will get deleted

This will get deleted by YouTube I'm sure..
So watch it while you can!

Stone Temple Park? Linkin Pilots?

I love Stone Temple Pilots...
Weiland split the band earlier this year...  It's happened before, he's done a couple OK solo albums, the rest of the band got another singer and called themselves Talk SHow and put out an OK CD...  Weiland was in Velvet Revolver, the DeLeo brothers did Army of Anyone with the guy from Filter...

So like I said Weiland is out again... and the band got the singer from Linkin Park.
Linkin Park?
And they are calling it Stone Temple Pilots...
Give up guys.  Just call yourselves Talk Show

But what do I know about anything?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Not Easy Being Green

"Yes, it's one of the basic truths of the physical universe, Sproket.  Things don't disappear.  They just change, and change, and change again."
 - Doc, from Fraggle Rock

Friday, May 10, 2013

Keep Calm, like Mike...

Image from the awesome little brother from another mother, Mike Finland

Opens tomorrow at Paris In Plantsville

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Good-bye Horses...

"Who leaves a whole frozen chicken in a parking lot?!?"
It's a question we'll never have an answer for Jordan...  I picture some crazy old black lady though.  Probably because of the voice you'd use when you'd say it...

I turned 38 in February.  Since then I've been thinking about on of the ships I sail on.  And I've decided to bring one of them to port and call it a day.  As Mike and I take down art from the awesome show "The Crew", and sit here looking at art for the next show coming in I think it's time to write about this here, and prep to shoot and Elmwood short here later tonite...  I'm ending my residency at Paris In Plantsville soon.  When that next show,  "Who Is Jordan Deschene?", opens...

I've been a resident at PiP since September 2010.  At a traditional gallery a residency goes like this:  You go into the gallery and get to make use of studio space, for free, while being there to help with the day to day operations of the space, and build up as body of work over a specific amount of time.  Then have a show there to showcase that work, then move on to whatever is next.  If I was doing this residency by the rules then by all accounts this should have ended in March of 2012 when Elmwood Productions had our tenth anniversary celebrations and exhibit there.  But at PiP we kinda make our own rules.  It's been kinda the punk rock gallery since it started.  Right after the show went up we made changes, and I took over as the General Manager, so I had to stick around, hahaha...
And I loved it.  But being the manager is just a volunteer thing too, so it's time for that to be wrapped up too.  I'm glad I'm going out with a bang too.  "The Crew" show featured in April has been a huge success!

It has been a place to bring in the new, the odd, the different, and experimental all while still having a desire to share the classic, the traditional, the old, the obvious, and the expected.  And as the focus of the gallery changes to more traditional art, and away from the adventures in art I feel it's time to call it a day, and keep my adventures going...  The shows I helped bring in there and be part of have been amazing.  It's been quite an adventure.
And like any adventure at some point it comes to an end.  It's time for me to make room for some one new in that studio space.
I love Paris In Plantsville, and love what it has brought to my life and my art.  Which is why I'm going.  Elmwood Productions is home.  It's my love above all else creatively .  And I need to focus on that.  And the puppets and movies we make.

The screenings Elmwood has done there have been the most attended events in PiP's history, and we hope to do more there.  So you'll be stuck seeing my face there still.  I'm always gonna support PiP.  You'll still see me at events, and when the Gallery Cafe opens I'll probably be there sipping my coffee and sketching away in a sketchbook.

So - Thank you Joe for inviting me to do that first screening there...  Thank you Sean, Jordan, Steve, Andre, Andy, and Joe for inviting me to be a resident...  Thank you to Josh, Christian, and Eric for joining me there as it went on...  Thank you to Mike and Nick for all the help there...  Thank you to Rae, Jackie, Steve, Dana, Missy, and Clinton for the support there...  Thank you to Ari One and Ari Two for keeping me entertained...  And thank you to the Elmwood gang for being part of the adventure at Paris too...

...  and Bill Robinson and Jordan Deschene, 
without Paris In Plantsville I may have never had you two in my crazy life - 
Rest in Peace, I think of you both often...