Geniuses? Or Disturbed Men?

These two guys make movies...
Movies you should love...

Watch them HERE

Or... HERE!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shooting Stuff...

Today we shot some "The Painter"...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Touching the Skin... Redux

This is the "Touching the Skin" illustration, framed in what was once a stretched canvas, with a Johnnie Sojive illustration...

Animal Behavior....

No, the video above isn't at all Elmwood's new series, "Animal Behavior"....
It's just Funkadelic being amazing...
Speaking of Amazing...

Just left Bohemia Studio....  And saw the final cut of the show...
It's awesome...  Everyone did such a great job!

You're gonna love it
Just wait....

The real Tugger and Ripper are more than ready to see it!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2 Minute Film Fest! Help Elmwood Out!

Vote for the Elmwood Puppets Film "THE FIRST KISS" at the 2 Minute Film Fest!

and place your vote and I'll be your friend forever!!!!

Wise man...

"Right now we creating what our future will be."
- Tim Burke 2012

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Marionette and Mixed Media

I made this for the "Who Is Jordan Deschene?" memorial show that was this past April at Paris In Plantsville...

Jordan was a huge Dr. Suess fan, and I found this marionette kit at a craft store,

 So I bought it!  Hahahaha!  It was when Jordan was still my room-mate and we were going to wait for a bad weather winter day and get some booze and make goofy puppets.  The winter before we got snowed in more than once, so we gathered up some things to do if it happened again, and the following winter wasn't as bad.  After I moved to my new place I found the box...  And soon after he passed away.  When I was thinking of what to do for the show I remembered I had the kit, and I knew I had to work it in somehow
But first I started an illustration...  But it wasn't coming out like I wanted... 
And I saw this mug...
I had a set of them.  Now I have two.  Jordan would use them every day for his coffee (when I made coffee)...  And I knew I had to use it somehow...
So I made the "Thingdingler"

Then made the mug look full of coffee with Sculpy, took a small canvas and painted it, then cut "Jordan" out of the illustration I abandoned and attached it all together.

 It was going to be seen from all sides, so I had to cover the back of the canvas somehow...  Google Eyes to the rescue!

 Some pics of it all set up at the gallery...

Monday, July 1, 2013


Mouth Puppet

Eric is based on my friend, Eric!  He was the star of "Josh and Todd"...  The real Eric, not the puppet.
And here's Eric and Christian