Friday, November 29, 2019

The Freakateers - BERNICE, TOO

Hello everyone!

Thank you all again so much for your support. If you've watched the video first then you already know we had a delay in production which means the movie won't be out until 2020!
If you didn't watch the video first, well, now you know!
This is a good thing. It's giving us more time to make this movie the best movie it can possibly be. And that is super important to us at Elmwood Productions!
The whole concept behind "Bernice, Too" is to be fun, weird, silly, and to make everyone who sees it smile. We're bringing back some old friends to be a part of the film, and guest puppeteers, more puppets, and even will be reaching out to the Kickstarter backers to join in on a day of shooting if you can! More details on that when the time is closer!

We've been at this for almost 20 years. How crazy is that? And without your support it couldn't have happened! We love you so much!
For those who "Kicked" in for the original sketch and the t-shirt we will be shipping them out in January, so make sure your info is up to date with Kickstarter and us!
Like we did with "HEAD" we'll also be making behind the scenes videos as we film, and will be posting them on Kickstarter for the backers first before hitting YouTube a week later. These videos are always a fun look into underground/independent film making, and you get to see the folks under the puppets too!
Again - THANK YOU! For your support and patience as we make "BERNICE, TOO" into our craziest flick yet!
- The Elmwood Gang
And if you're looking for other ways to show your love for Elmwood Productions don't for get to follow us on Facebook -
And share with your friends! That's a HUGE help!
And also check out Ko-Fi -
Cuz we love coffee...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

50 Years... Still Strong

Sesame Street aired it's first episode fifty years ago today. 
So much has changed, and the show is still making waves.  Pretty amazing.
It was a few years later I became obsessed with it and The Muppet Show...  I was the perfect age at that time as both shows were running, and I was in awe of them.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Bernice, Too!

The Kickstarter for "Bernice, Too" was a success! Did you miss out on it and still want to help the movie get made?
Well that's awesome!
Head on over to and look for "The Bernice, Too Package"!
By purchasing the package all the proceeds from it will go right into making "Bernice, Too" and you'll get a shout out on Facebook and a thanks in the film credits!

The package includes a TON of Elmwood's series, films, and shorts! And is only available until November 1, 2019 WAIT, THAT'S TODAY!!!

If that isn't enough to get you in on it, then maybe Mike, Nicki, and Rick can persuade you -
                Here's what "The Bernice, Too" package includes:
For only $20.00 you'll get the following films and series:
"Animal Behavior" - 13 episode series (PG)
"The Risley Brothers:Welcome to The Wooden Beaver" - Short film (PG-13)
"The Risley Brothers" - 10 episode series (PG-13)
"The Risley Brothers in The Legend of Cotterville Road" - Short film (PG-13)
"The Jungle Man" - Short film (R)
"Josh and Todd: The Story of a Man and His Puppet" - Feature film (R)
"Steve the Vampire" - 12 episode series (PG-13)
And when the film is complete you'll also get "BERNICE, TOO"! All for $20.00.
To buy all these separately would be $30.00!
What are you waiting for? An invite? Well, consider yourself invited!!!