Monday, December 30, 2019

See ya in 2020!

What a year, huh?
I'm lucky guy and have a good life...  What more couldI possibly need...  
See ya in 2020!  Till then here's the New Year's post from Elmwood!~

As we are here in the last days of 2019 we want to say thanks.  

Thank YOU for an awesome 2019! We have a great 2020 lined up with a bunch of surprises and flicks coming your way!
And thank you to all the "BERNICE, TOO" Kickstarter backers and supporters! The movie is definitely going to be something special!
And a thanks to the spots we screened this year, and got extra love from - MAC 650 Gallery & Artist Co-Op for screening "Animal Behavior", Two Roads Brewing Company for their Roadsmary's Baby film fest for having us as part of the nite with "The Risley Brothers in The Legend of Cotterville Road" and to the judges of the film fest for choosing us as first place! And to the crew at Hardcore Sweet Bakery for screening "The Jungle Man' with "Paper City Burnout" from Diabolical Films

We had a blast this year! THANK YOU!
And start 2020 off right! Subscribe to Elmwood on YouTube!

We thank you for being with us in 2019, and next year is gonna be wild, don't miss a thing!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sweet Dreams Mr. Spinney

Caroll Spinney passed away a week ago at 85.  
An amazing life, and amazing man.
So many people were messaging me about it, and sharing links with me about it, and it warmed my heart to know people even thought of me and the Elmwood gang at this time. 
I think that's part of Caroll's legacy.  Kindness and thoughtfulness. 
I was sad to read of his passing, and still am.  He lead what was a wonderful life, and did many great things.  And through the characters he created and performed taught us to be good people. 
"Lead by example".  This makes Caroll one of the great leaders of all time. And one of the greatest puppeteers that ever lived.
I'll miss him, and his performances.  We're lucky to have them recorded so we can still watch them and share them for generations to come.

Every year around this time I make it a point to watch "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street".  It may be the best thing Sesame Street ever produced.  And Big Bird and Oscar are the heart and soul of the whole thing.  Big Bird and Oscar... Caroll Spinney.


Friday, November 29, 2019

The Freakateers - BERNICE, TOO

Hello everyone!

Thank you all again so much for your support. If you've watched the video first then you already know we had a delay in production which means the movie won't be out until 2020!
If you didn't watch the video first, well, now you know!
This is a good thing. It's giving us more time to make this movie the best movie it can possibly be. And that is super important to us at Elmwood Productions!
The whole concept behind "Bernice, Too" is to be fun, weird, silly, and to make everyone who sees it smile. We're bringing back some old friends to be a part of the film, and guest puppeteers, more puppets, and even will be reaching out to the Kickstarter backers to join in on a day of shooting if you can! More details on that when the time is closer!

We've been at this for almost 20 years. How crazy is that? And without your support it couldn't have happened! We love you so much!
For those who "Kicked" in for the original sketch and the t-shirt we will be shipping them out in January, so make sure your info is up to date with Kickstarter and us!
Like we did with "HEAD" we'll also be making behind the scenes videos as we film, and will be posting them on Kickstarter for the backers first before hitting YouTube a week later. These videos are always a fun look into underground/independent film making, and you get to see the folks under the puppets too!
Again - THANK YOU! For your support and patience as we make "BERNICE, TOO" into our craziest flick yet!
- The Elmwood Gang
And if you're looking for other ways to show your love for Elmwood Productions don't for get to follow us on Facebook -
And share with your friends! That's a HUGE help!
And also check out Ko-Fi -
Cuz we love coffee...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

50 Years... Still Strong

Sesame Street aired it's first episode fifty years ago today. 
So much has changed, and the show is still making waves.  Pretty amazing.
It was a few years later I became obsessed with it and The Muppet Show...  I was the perfect age at that time as both shows were running, and I was in awe of them.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Bernice, Too!

The Kickstarter for "Bernice, Too" was a success! Did you miss out on it and still want to help the movie get made?
Well that's awesome!
Head on over to and look for "The Bernice, Too Package"!
By purchasing the package all the proceeds from it will go right into making "Bernice, Too" and you'll get a shout out on Facebook and a thanks in the film credits!

The package includes a TON of Elmwood's series, films, and shorts! And is only available until November 1, 2019 WAIT, THAT'S TODAY!!!

If that isn't enough to get you in on it, then maybe Mike, Nicki, and Rick can persuade you -
                Here's what "The Bernice, Too" package includes:
For only $20.00 you'll get the following films and series:
"Animal Behavior" - 13 episode series (PG)
"The Risley Brothers:Welcome to The Wooden Beaver" - Short film (PG-13)
"The Risley Brothers" - 10 episode series (PG-13)
"The Risley Brothers in The Legend of Cotterville Road" - Short film (PG-13)
"The Jungle Man" - Short film (R)
"Josh and Todd: The Story of a Man and His Puppet" - Feature film (R)
"Steve the Vampire" - 12 episode series (PG-13)
And when the film is complete you'll also get "BERNICE, TOO"! All for $20.00.
To buy all these separately would be $30.00!
What are you waiting for? An invite? Well, consider yourself invited!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Last Call!

We're still working away at "Bernice, Too"!
Thank you again to all the Kickstarter supporters!
And you can still help make the flick happen even though the Kickstarter is over!

Head on over to and look for
"The Bernice, Too Package"!
By purchasing the package all the proceeds from it will go right into making "Bernice, Too" and you'll get a shout out on Facebook and a thanks in the film credits! The package includes a TON of Elmwood's series, films, and shorts! Thanks for all of your continued support!

Halloween Viewing!

Graveyard Gil and Richie are here to wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN from all of us at Elmwood Productions and to remind you to check out "Graveyard Gil's Midnite Thrills" on YouTube and "HEAD" now streaming from Terror Films and Elmwood Productions!
Don't miss out on the scares this Halloween season!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Legend of Cotterville Road

The gang from The Wooden Beaver is throwing a Halloween party in Quig's garage on their night off. Only problem: They don't have Wes' favorite beer! So Quig and Schmutsy head out on a spooky adventure to track it down! To see all the adventures of "The Risley Brothers" head on over to The Elmwood Channel! - This film does not reflect the opinions or views of Two Roads Brewing Company. "The Risley Brothers in The Legend of Cotterville Road" was created for the annual film festival held by Two Roads Brewing Company and The Nutmeg Institute: "Roadsmary's Horror Film Competition" held 10/18/2019. The film won First Place! Thank you to the jurors and staff of Two Roads!

Friday, October 18, 2019


 Miss Wes and the Wooden Beaver gang?
Wanna be the first to see the newest short film starring "The Risley Brothers"?
Make sure to come out to Two Roads Brewing Company on October 18th for the Roadsmary's Baby Horror Film Competition!

All the event details can be found HERE!
We hope to see ya!

And don't worry if you cannot make it!
The new short will be available on The Elmwood Channel and YouTube after the screening!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

This Weekend! The Risley Brothers Return!

 Miss Wes and the Wooden Beaver gang?
Wanna be the first to see the newest short film starring "The Risley Brothers"?
Make sure to come out to Two Roads Brewing Company on October 18th for the Roadsmary's Baby Horror Film Competition!

All the event details can be found HERE!
We hope to see ya!
And don't worry if you cannot make it!
The new short will be available on The Elmwood Channel and YouTube after the screening!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Help Elmwood Make "BERNICE, TOO"!

We're still working away at "Bernice, Too"!
Thank you again to all the Kickstarter supporters!
And you can still help make the flick happen even though the Kickstarter is over!

Head on over to and look for "The Bernice, Too Package"!
By purchasing the package all the proceeds from it will go right into making "Bernice, Too" and you'll get a shout out on Facebook and a thanks in the film credits! The package includes a TON of Elmwood's series, films, and shorts! Thanks for all of your continued support!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Custom Puppets!

Last chance to get a custom puppet order placed to receive the puppet in time for Christmas!  
The cut off for orders in 10/30!

More info HERE on Etsy!

Throwback Thursday - From the Elmwood archives!

From the archives -  2009
The lost "long" version of "Lock And Load! A Guide to Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse"

A fun short film Elmwood made in the wake of making "Josh & Todd"
We needed a break from "big" projects.  
So in the year following principal production of "Josh & Todd" we shot some goofy non-puppet stuff, and picked up on a few more episodes of 'Steve the Vampire".  This one, "Lock and Load" always cracked me up.  I totally forgot there was a longer version than the one we released.  While going through the old archives I stumbled upon it, was glad to see the whole thing!
Hard to believe that was ten years ago!  We've come so far since then!!!
"You have located the home of the Z.A.T.S. - Zombie Apocalypse Task Squad. We are dedicated to helping all Americans survive the upcoming Armageddon precipitated by the rising of the recently dead. Be sure to watch "Lock And Load" our instructional video including submissions from our supporters around the globe. Remember, the only way to Survive is to be Constantly Vigilant."

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Let's Get Halloween Started!

Graveyard Gil and Richie are here to wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN from all of us at Elmwood Productions and to remind you to check out "Graveyard Gil's Midnite Thrills" on YouTube and "HEAD" now streaming from Terror Films and Elmwood Productions!
Don't miss out on the scares this Halloween season!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

This one's for you Micheal...

You decided to take off just before this tune came out, but I have a feeling you would have loved it.

Miss ya.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jim Henson Day!

Be kind, and be good!
Happy Birthday to Jim Henson!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mmm... Coffee...

Today's Mug!  Drinking some amazing coffee I got as a gift from Ricky...  
And right from a 

You can get one of these cool mugs too!  Just CLICK HERE!
Gonna be spending a few days with The Risley Brothers and their crazy friends today...  You'll have to stay tuned to find out why!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sweet Dreams Daniel...

You were (and will be forever) an inspiration.  Thank you for you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Why Does Elmwood Support The MDA? Happy Labor Day!

If you know me then you know I have unwavering support for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
The MDA was huge for my family, and extended family of friends for my whole childhood.  Literally.

My brother Michael was born with DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and the MDA was there every step of the way.  With support, doctors, and events that help us live a "normal" life.  

Because of the MDA my brother got to go to camp every year, and we all got to spend time with other families that we could relate too and make more "families" with.  
Our local MDA in Connecticut threw amazing Halloween and Christmas parties, and a great summer picnic every year.  It was normalcy in an abnormal situation.  
And I didn't know it any other way.  I'm four years younger than my brother, and by the time I can remember my family was already deep into the association.  And my brother was even the poster child (now they call it The Goodwill Ambassador) for the CT MDA, and he loved every minute of it.  Meeting politicians, celebrities, and so on...  He was always smiling.
And Labor Day.  
From the 1950's until 2014 the MDA hosted a telethon to raise money for research and more.  In the 1960's they chose to do it on Labor Day weekend, where it happened every year until 2014.  Labor Day was a big deal for my family as I was growing up.  Every year we were there, at Channel 3 WFSB (the local affiliate in CT) and running from event to event...  And it was awesome.  As I got older and into my pre-teens and teens I got to actually help out a bit too.   The events were amazing though.  And watching all these people from all over the world give up time on a holiday weekend to help make it happen. 
My brother died in 1993.  Just a few weeks after the telethon. 
He was 22.  And he beat the odds.  So for me, even though there was never a cure in his lifetime, he beat the disease.  He won.  And the MDA was a huge part in why he lived so long, and with normalcy in his life.
My brother fought hard to be as normal as possible his whole life.  And for me, he was the most normal person I knew.  And he was my hero.
The following summer the local telethon producers and the local MDA branch asked to do a piece on him to air during the telethon.  My parents agreed to be interviewed.  I really didn't have a choice.  Haha...  I was told by them I had to be there for it.  So I was.  
Someone at WFSB back in the day was nice enough to give us a master VHS of the piece.  Feel free to laugh at my hair.  And yes, I did have hair!   

So, each year we at Elmwood try to do something for the MDA.  And this year we're hoping you'll step up and join us this year...

Purchase "The Bernice, Too Package" and you'll be supporting the MDA and Elmwood Productions!

For every purchase of "The Bernice, Too Package" from August 30 through September 3 Elmwood will be donating $10.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association!
Not only will you be supporting the MDA you'll also be supporting Elmwood make our next film; "Bernice, Too"!
You'll even get a social media shout out on Facebook and a thank you in the movie once it is completed!

Here's what "The Bernice, Too" package includes:
For only $20.00 you'll get the following films and series:
"Animal Behavior" - 13 episode series (PG)
"The Risley Brothers: Welcome to The Wooden Beaver" - Short film (PG-13)
"The Risley Brothers" - 10 episode series (PG-13)
"The Jungle Man" - Short film (R)
"Josh and Todd: The Story of a Man and His Puppet" - Feature film (R)
"Steve the Vampire" - 12 episode series (PG-13)
and when the film is complete you'll also get "BERNICE, TOO"!

All for $20.00. To buy all these separately would be $30.00!
What are you waiting for? An invite? Well, consider yourself invited!!! HERE’S THE LINK TO THE “BERNICE, TOO” PACKAGE - 
Get caught up with Elmwood just in time for "BERNICE, TOO"! And show love and support for the MDA!
Two men. One wheelchair. And a day in their lives... The world is a wonderful and strange place. Let's spend some time in theirs.
Starring a cast of puppets, in a world of our creation. Nothing too deep. But, maybe just deep enough.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Happy Labor Day Weekend! Support The MDA!

Purchase "The Bernice, Too Package" and you'll be supporting the MDA and Elmwood Productions!
For every purchase of "The Bernice, Too Package" from August 30 through September 3 Elmwood will be donating $10.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association!
Not only will you be supporting the MDA you'll also be supporting Elmwood make our next film; "Bernice, Too"!
You'll even get a social media shout out on Facebook and a thank you in the movie once it is completed!
Here's what "The Bernice, Too" package includes:
For only $20.00 you'll get the following films and series:
"Animal Behavior" - 13 episode series (PG)
"The Risley Brothers:Welcome to The Wooden Beaver" - Short film (PG-13)
"The Risley Brothers" - 10 episode series (PG-13)
"The Jungle Man" - Short film (R)
"Josh and Todd: The Story of a Man and His Puppet" - Feature film (R)
"Steve the Vampire" - 12 episode series (PG-13)
and when the film is complete you'll also get "BERNICE, TOO"!

All for $20.00. To buy all these separately would be $30.00!
What are you waiting for? An invite? Well, consider yourself invited!!! HERE’S THE LINK TO THE “BERNICE, TOO” PACKAGE -
Get caught up with Elmwood just in time for "BERNICE, TOO"! And show love and support for the MDA!
Two men. One wheelchair. And a day in their lives... The world is a wonderful and strange place. Let's spend some time in theirs.
Starring a cast of puppets, in a world of our creation. Nothing too deep. But, maybe just deep enough.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

"Bernice, Too" is happening!!!

The Kickstarter for "Bernice, Too" was a success! Did you miss out on it and still want to help the movie get made? Well that's awesome! Head on over to and look for "The Bernice, Too Package"!
By purchasing the package all the proceeds from it will go right into making "Bernice, Too" and you'll get a shout out on Facebook and a thanks in the film credits! The package includes a TON of Elmwood's series, films, and shorts! Thanks for all of your continued support!


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Always Hanging In Marvel Land!

I keep seeing posts online and on entertainment news sites about Marvel, Disney, and Sony not coming to an agreement on use of Spider-Man as part of the Marvel series of films.  I keep seeing folks blame Sony, blame Disney...
Blame Marvel.  They're the company that was in such a bad financial situation back in the late '80's early '90's that they were taking checks from anyone willing to write one for the screen rights to their characters.
But really, who cares why?  It's business most of us are speculating about but have nothing to do with.  The equivalent of schoolyard gossip.
A good comic book movies job is to be a gateway into the world of the characters.  A gateway into the comic book themselves.

Going to see a movie is about twenty buck these days, right?
Hit the ATM, get out a twenty dollar bill and find you local comic shop.  Inside that wonderful place Spider-Man has always been in the Marvel Universe.  So are the X-Men, and Venom, and The Fantastic Four, and Blade...  And so on...
Support the local shop, and the artists, writers, and creators who make these characters happen from the start.  They need the money more than the film folks do!  And their work is more inspired, original, and creative!  I'm not bashing the films at all, or their merits and creativity or the talent behind them.  I'm glad these movies are around, even if I haven't seen a Marvel flick since 2012, they just aren't for me these days.
But I do know that Spider-Man, Batman, The Hulk...  These guys were a gateway to me, into art, and creativity, and joy. And it was the comics that got me first.  And I'm grateful for that.

Need to find your local comic shop?
Click HERE!