Sunday, June 25, 2023

Alive... And well.

The past 5 days have been rejuvenating.
From Wednesday though this moment has felt like a little re-invention. Spent several of them with amazing folks who kept me smiling.
Thanks to all of ya.
Here I am, folks. Let's go.

📸 by Amy Smith, I think! 😀


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Monday, June 5, 2023

The Muppets Mayhem...

The Muppets newest show has been out for a few weeks now...

And I loved it.  
I'm not a critic.  I'm not journalist.  But I know what I like.  And "The Muppets Mayhem" is a show I have wanted since I was a kid.
I always wanted shows or movies focusing on different Muppet characters. Ad always wanted there to be a real Electric Mayhem band album.

And now both exist and are great.
I hope they keep this creative momentum going!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Just a reminder...

HEAD is free on Tubi!

Watch it HERE and watch it NOW!

Friday, June 2, 2023

Reel Talk Returns!


Reel Talk with Rich and Jon returns after a long hiatus! Jon's been keeping busy making movies with Elmwood Productions, and Rich has been keeping busy with all his shows on The Claw's Corner! But they are back! In this all-new episode of Reel Talk they spend some time fighting! But fighting with critics and film lovers as they pick a movie each to defend. Movies they think deserve more love than they usually get. Jon discusses why "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull" is a good (although not perfect) tale in the Indy lore and progression of the character's life. And Rich covers Tobe Hooper's often forgotten slasher flick "The Funhouse", and how not only was it something different in a market full of slashers at the time, but how's it's also a lot of fun. They also chat about other film stuff and chat about how wild things have been since fall 2020!

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Ahh... 76.1

 Been a great couple months...

Been filming and prepping with the Elmwood gang and just living and loving and learning.

June 1st.  It's summer as far as I'm concerned.  Let's have some fun.

According to the National Center for Health Statistic the average American male now live 76.1 years.
So that gives me roughly 28 years.  
Got me thinking about two things. 
What will I do with those 28 years?
And, what was I doing at 28 years old?

After wracking my brain for a bit I came up with what was up at 28. 
2003, I had moved back to Connecticut from Florida in the late summer of 2002.
By my 28th birthday I was working a fun job, making puppets, collecting comics, and Elmwood was really just starting to become "a thing".  
Steve the Vampire was created within the year, for example.
My life...  Day to day...  I was married, addicted to coffee, had a great small apartment with wife and two cats. And Tricky lived next door.  Good times.
The master bedroom was the "Elmwood Studio" where I wrote, built puppets, and we filmed. It was cramped but awesome.
Reading comics, watching movies, and goofing off.  28 was a good year. 
Those two cats, that wife, and most of the folks who were part of Elmwood back then are all gone now. 
And that's the way of time.

What's gonna happen for the next 28? 
The fact is no one knows what will happen. No one can really predict if we will even wake up tomorrow morning. 
I have plans though.  Mostly to keep going. I'm afraid if I stop, even for a week, I won't start back up! 
Elmwood has dozens of projects to make. I have things I want to do outside of that. I like living this life. I like not being bored or sedentary. 
I want new things to keep happening.

Let's get weird.

Puppets on Saturdays will kick back in starting in September! 
Here's some pics from the start of 2023...