Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Great Day! Elmwood on WFSB 3

Did you catch us on Great Day on WFSB 3 in Connecticut last week? 
If not check it out here!

Monday, January 27, 2025




Saturday, January 25, 2025



Saturday Puppets will be back soon!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Monday, January 20, 2025

"We're all tired of fuckin' something"

 It was 1994. 

Summer. My brother had been dead since early fall '93... 

I was living through Hell. Or so my 19 year old heart believed it to be. Hindsight makes one realize it wasn't as bad as it may have felt. But man, it fucking sucked.

Other than listening to Prince no other music that was new was making me happy. And I couldn't listen to the music I already loved because it all made me think of how much everything sucked. Whether it was thinking of my brother or the shit relationships I was in, everything just sucked. And I started digging into older music. Ray Charles. Dr John. Funkadelic, David Bowie. I was finding new in old.

And then I heard "'Round Here".

And I'm not going to lie and act like I was a huge Counting Crows fan. I never was and I'm still not, "Mr. Jones" was a pretty big hit for them and I just couldn't get into it, but that summer, "Round Here" hit the radio and I heard my friends.
I heard the life I was living. It was a new song that made me think about my friends and myself and the things we were going through and the people we wanted to be with, and the people we wanted to be. And it just made me feel good and broke my heart at the same time. 

There was this coffee shop that I worked at with Tricky called coffee company, Tricky's Uncle Vic owned it. And I remember the first time I heard the song I was sitting in the parking lot in my car and the song just hit me so hard. About 2 months ago I stumbled across this version of the song on YouTube and it just blew me away and it brought me right back to that heartbreakingly sad yet wonderful time between teen and adult, between angst and understanding sadness, between loving and loss. And it felt like an anthem for what suburban kids would lose as we became Gen X adults. I'm still not a really big Counting Crows fan. But this song and this version that I stumbled the cross hits hard.

But there's a girl on a car out in the parking lot. She says "Hey man, c'mon. Come on!" she said. "C'mon! Just take a shot!"

Friday, December 27, 2024

Running down a dream

 Thinking a lot this morning. 

So much has changed the past 5 years... 

And there are lights, bright ones, at the end of the tunnels... 

Thinking about my brother. And how much he loved this song.

28 Second to a DUI

Friday, December 20, 2024

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 

from The Painter and the Elmwood Gang!  

Saturday, November 30, 2024


 So I thought I was done with sharing a new puppet every Saturday until next year. 

But Beans felt otherwise. 

And it's a good one to share. Beans is a new puppet for series 3 of "Animal Behavior". Yup, series 3! We're still releasing the episodes of series 2, but series 3 is being written and a few new puppets are being made. 

Also Beans is a puppet based on my brother, Michael.  I've tried making puppet of him in the past, but none ever felt right. And although it's not an exact likeness, for me this is perfect. 10 year old Michael. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Monday Song...


I wonder...  I have two legs, but do I have one to stand on? 
I think I do. 
As the frat boys say
Let's go!

Sunday, November 24, 2024


 Happy Birthday Penny!

Saturday, November 23, 2024

What, no new puppet?

 No new puppet this week...  Maybe no new puppets til next year.

Busy busy for sure though!  I bunch of puppets made just can't be shared yet!

Til later though...  Here's some random pics...

Friday, November 22, 2024

Monday, November 18, 2024

Monday Song


Not a huge Led Zeppelin fan to be honest.
But the past couple weeks this song has hit hard.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Greg Gunderson

Greg...  Or is it Gary?
Mouth Puppet
This puppet is one I was building for literally years. It didn't take me years to build though. I'd start, stop, start, stop...  It would end up buried in bins and found, and so on and on. This fall I just sat at the table one day and said "Damn it. He needs to be finished."
Once done Nick saw him and immediately had a name and a story for it.  
I love when shit like that happens!


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Friday, November 8, 2024